By Sam Taylor | July 5, 2021
Equities spent most of this year’s second quarter backing and filling, caught between two countervailing forces, until finally pushing through to new highs by the end of June.  Blowout earnings reports and upwardly revised earnings forecasts elevated prices, while simultaneously, P/E (Price/...
By Sam Taylor | June 15, 2021
  As interest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies heats up due to their recent top billing amongst financial journalists who can never pass up an opportunity to hype the latest cause de jour, a few of our clients have asked our opinion on Bitcoin.   While we have no idea if Bitcoin will live up...
By Wealthview Capital | June 4, 2021
When discussing money and saving, the topic of compounding comes up often – as it should – because of its importance. But what is compounding? When related to savings or investing, compounding is essentially money building upon money, or earnings that generate more earnings. And while most people...
By Sam Taylor | May 5, 2021
According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, transitory means “of brief duration” or “tending to pass away – not permanent”.  Federal Reserve Board Chairman, Jerome Powell has repeatedly stated his opinion that any increases in inflation resulting from recent massive fiscal and monetary stimulus...
By Sam Taylor | April 5, 2021
As we lapped the one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic the U.S. economy and financial markets continued their remarkable turnarounds, propelled by twin turbo engines of easy money policies from the Federal Reserve and over $5 trillion in stimulus packages from Congress with potentially more...
By Wealthview Capital | February 23, 2021
In Greek mythology, Daedalus, and his son Icarus, became imprisoned on the island of Crete.  To escape, Daedalus sets himself to building wings made of feathers for both he and his son so they may fly away from the tower holding them captive.  As Daedalus was teaching his son to use them, he...
