By Sam Taylor | November 30, 2021
  For investors whose income exceeds the Roth IRA eligibility threshold there are a few popular strategies to get money into these accounts that grow tax-free (as opposed to tax-deferred).  Unfortunately, the time may be drawing nigh to continue those strategies.   First, if your employer sponsors...
By Sam Taylor | October 4, 2021
Momentum slowed in the third quarter as unease over the new highly contagious COVID-19 Delta variant and other worries dampened investor enthusiasm. The list of additional concerns included higher inflation, rising interest rates, lofty equity valuations, supply-chain bottlenecks, Federal Reserve...
By Sam Taylor | September 13, 2021
  As the U.S. and other countries work to re-open their economies in the continuing wake of the COVID-19 pandemic many people are looking forward to getting back to normal – to dinners out with friends, crowded football stadiums, and full church pews. Although things are re-opening, it will...
By Wealthview Capital | August 16, 2021
Rising inflation has become a hot topic in 2021. Over the last year and a half, our world economy has experienced large shutdowns followed by trillions of dollars of stimulus. Now, as our economy fights to reopen, it is showing signs of not only having to battle COVID-19 but also higher prices....
By Sam Taylor | July 5, 2021
Equities spent most of this year’s second quarter backing and filling, caught between two countervailing forces, until finally pushing through to new highs by the end of June.  Blowout earnings reports and upwardly revised earnings forecasts elevated prices, while simultaneously, P/E (Price/...
By Sam Taylor | June 15, 2021
  As interest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies heats up due to their recent top billing amongst financial journalists who can never pass up an opportunity to hype the latest cause de jour, a few of our clients have asked our opinion on Bitcoin.   While we have no idea if Bitcoin will live up...
